Online queue service has been temporarily suspended

  • During the pandemic, customers' access to the branch has been limited. For this reason, discrepancies may occur at the times indicated in the online queue.

Internet Banking

PASHA Bank offers its customers Internet Banking services based on modern technologies. Internet Banking enables the customers to use number of bank services remotely via banking services technologies without visiting the bank.

Advantages of the service 

- 24/7 availability from anywhere in the world.
- Ability to start transactions from any computer through logging in with the special key offered to authorized staff.
- Reduced work load of company employees, elimination of time consuming visits to the bank which leads to convenience and satisfaction of the employees
- This service does not require special hardware and software.


- Local payments - Payments within the Republic of Azerbaijan
- International payments - payments with foreign currency outside the country
- Conversion operations - purchase and sales of foreign currency
- Account statements - obtaining statements for any period
- Account balance - information about the balance in the account
- Information about card balance
- Information about loans
- Information about deposits
- Information about currency exchange fees  

Signing up for the service

The customer shall receive Login and Password for Internet Banking System upon signing the relevant documents for Internet Banking services in PASHA Bank Business Centers. Bank personnel will provide briefing and full consultation support for company employees on usage of Internet Banking services.

Customers signed up for Internet Banking service can login into the Internet Banking System 24/7 via the following link.

Internet Banking

What is Asan Imza user ID?

Upon receipt of Asan Imza certificate, you receive «Certificate activated» notification, where User ID is indicated. User ID consist of six digits, not to be confused with PIN1/ PIN2.

I cannot log in via Asan Imza

If you want to log in via Asan Imza, make sure that, following parameters are correct:
- Your browsers doesn’t block pop-up window;
- The browser opens only one window, when you enter the system via Asan Imza;
You enter valid Asan phone number, valid six-digit User ID number and valid Pasha Bank code (password);

Please note, that you are able to use the services of the Internet Banking only via ASAN Imza or via SMS; These two options cannot be processed simultaneously. If you were initially allowed to log in via SMS and User name, an attempt to log in via ASAN Imza will lead to error: Authentication method is not assigned.

You always can change the type of login from Asan Imza to SMS. In order to process this option contact customer service centre.

Problems that occur when I enter User name and password

What the error involves, if warning prompt appears telling that “User authentification failed”:
• Error can be caused by space, which occurred when customer copied password or User name
• Customer entered old password
• Customer logged in not as Corporate entity, but as Physical one
• User name was typed in the lowercase letters
• Space cannot be placed neither at the beginning nor at the end of User name
• Entities, with corporate and physical User name should necessarily add digit 2 to the end of physical User name (for instance: corporate User name – XXXX; retail User name – XXXX2)
• Customer should not use AZE font while typing User name. Only English font should be used.

My account is blocked

If account is blocked contact Call – center, where the account will be unblocked.

I forgot my password

If you forgot your password contact Call – center, where the password will be changed. New password will be send via SMS to your phone number.

The system is failing while processing, therefore I have to log in again

According to the Bank safety regulations, non-active session lasts 30 minutes, while active session lasts 60 minutes. The page will be closed automatically, if customer does not use the system more than 30 minutes. Even in case if the customer is using the system services, page will be closed automatically each hour; Repetitive login required.

Information on my card account is not displayed. What is the reason?

Information on your card account is not displayed in case if, display parameters and account transactions parameters are not configured. In order to connect new card account to IB account, you should send an application. If you have already made such application, please inform Call-center.
In this case, repetitive application is not required, Call-center will contact corresponding agency and connect your card account to Internet Banking basing on previous application.

Previous system payments are not displayed – not visible to the user

Payments carried out in previous system are displayed like beneficiaries in new system, instead of previously displayed templates. Using Magnifying icon, located next to the “Beneficiary’s name” field, you can look for your previous templates. You can find related detailed information in attached PDF file.

New templates are not displayed

While creating new templates only two options are displayed: accessible for user only, accessible to all.

New templates are not displayed in case if user selected and saved option that limits the availability of templates. If you want to make templates accessible to all company's employees, it is required to select option – accessible to all employees.

Why some of the created templates do not display bank information?

If (especially in case of international payments) full information on bank SWIFT code is not on display, click on magnifying icon, and select the same bank code in “Bank Information” section.
If this problem repeats again, add XXX to the end of SWIFT code, make a new search and select the code.

Why budget payments are not processed?

Take notice, if you want to make budget or tax payment, it is required to select budget payment option, not domestic payments option. In this case, budget classification code and budget level code should be indicated accordingly.

The domestic payments option can only be selected in case of VAT payments (classification code and budget code are not required).

Foreign currency accounts are not displayed on domestic payments

Currently, according to the legislative requirements, Internet Banking does not provide option which allows making domestic payments in currency other than AZN.
Payment in foreign exchange is only allowable through “Payments within own accounts” section.
In order to get detailed information, please contact customer service manager.

I receive notification of template creation error

Following errors can occur while creating new template:
1. “Invalid Template Access Type” error occurs if template type was not indicated. Before saving file as template, option must be selected: option1 – private (restricted access to template) option2 - public (all company's employees get access to template)

2. Error occurs if name selected for template, already exists. This error can be eliminated by changing template name.

3. If source account is not selected, notification will appear to select source of payment. For this purpose, source account should be selected.

I have used created template once only, but now it is not on display

The reason is that, conducted payment was saved not as template, but as draft. You can check if payment was saved as template or as draft in “View Templates/Drafts” section. Operations which were saved in the system as drafts are valid for one occasion only and after implementation, will be deleted from “Template” section.

Make sure that, button “Save as Template” was clicked while saving conducted payment transaction.

What happens if transaction was conducted on close of business day?

All payment transactions conducted on close of business day will be executed according to the date of the next day. For instance: money transaction, conducted on Friday at six p.m., will be executed on Monday. Thus, transaction is saved in the bank system with no need for repeating transaction.

Why cannot I dial MFO (bank code) manually?

The system contains all bank codes existing in Azerbaijan, therefore, it is required to select appropriate code out of the list. This helps to eliminate errors occurring while entering bank name and user name.

In order to automatically select Bank Data, according to the search criteria, go to the “Beneficiary Bank Details” section and click search button in the bank code field. () düyməsini sıxaraq axtarış meyarlarına uyğun olaraq Bank məlumatlarını avtomatik seçmək mümkündür.

It is sufficient to fill at least one field of search criteria: bank code, bank name or SWIFT code. Once, appropriate bank information is found, just click “Select bank” button.

Where can I get records on SWIFT transaction?

To get information on Payment order of any transaction (including international transactions) go to “Payments -> Payment statement” section, indicate time domain and payment account. You can download and print payment details by clicking “Transaction number” button.

Do I have to fill data on correspondent bank?

Filling information on correspondent bank is optional. SWIFT transactions demand following sections to be filled - beneficiary information, customer's bank requisites, payment destination and “Other information” section.

Where can I see information on commissions while creating Payment order?

To see commissions, enter all commissions related information then click “Show” button. Information on commissions amount and other data can be found even before confirmation. If there is a lack of input data, edit typed Statement order by clicking “Back” button, or, conduct payment by clicking “submit” button.

How can I exchange currency on individual rate?

This requires authorization by the General Treasury on basis of customer request. Once company obtains permission from the General Treasury to purchase and sale currency according to the individual rate, this function will become activated.

Customer can get information on individual currency exchange rate by contacting customer service manager. For each submission of individual rate, customer/user should navigate to the “Currency exchange” page, select “Individual rate” option and indicate provided rate manually.

When transaction is executed, relevant Data will be saved. Successful implementation of transaction is possible only in case if individual rate coincides with the rate verified by the General Treasury.

I have completed all the fields, yet a notice of error still pops-up

Please, indicate the payment amount or the payment destination/ reference for the beneficiary. You receive error notification only in case if both fields were completed: “Source Account Amount” field and “Destination Account Amount” field. Selling and purchasing rates are regulated by the BSR - Bankers’ Selling Rate. Therefore, It is required to complete one field only. For instance: if you want to sell 1000 USD, click on ““Source Account Amount”” field and indicate respective amount; keep “Destination Account Amount” field empty.
You can check the equivalent of indicated Sum in AZN currency (or in any other foreign currency) according to the current Bank selling/ purchasing rate, by clicking “Submit” button.

I cannot see information on my statements

Information on your pay slips will not be displayed, if this same account has not executed any transactions since 5th January of 2017. Note that, pay slips made before that date, will not be displayed. In order to see previous pay slips contact Customer Service Center.

Information on statements, provided by Internet Banking does not meet all my requirements

You can obtain more detailed information on POS terminal by going to “Accounts => Account activity” section, and clicking POS terminal account, then select “Detailed statement” field and download statement in Excel or PDF format.
This file contains all information on POS terminal transactions and not only information on Total amount of payments, but also on commissions.

I want to see more detailed information on POS terminal transactions

You can obtain more detailed information on POS terminal by going to “Accounts –> Account activity” section, and clicking POS terminal account, then select “Detailed statement” field and download statement in Excel or PDF format.
This file contains all information on POS terminal transactions and not only information on Total amount of payments, but also on commissions.

Where can I see information on Card transactions?

You can obtain statements on Card transactions by going to “Accounts -> Account activity” section. In the “Description” column, you can find detailed information on type of payment processed via your corporate card.

Where can I see commission amounts on account statements?

By indicating Account number and Date in the search field, you will get information on pay slips: amount of payment transaction- 1st column and amount of commission – next column.

By clicking transaction number, you will obtain Payment order. If payment transaction is related to domestic transactions, currency exchange transactions and tax payments, the “Payment order” section will display commission amount. In case if transaction is related to SWIFT transactions, information on commissions will not be displayed in the “Payment order” section.

How can I observe changes in the status of my payments?

- Following the creation of any payment:
Only 5 latest payment transactions are displayed in the “Recent Activity” section of the “Home” section.
- The same transactions are also indicated in the “Transactions” section, “Initiated Transactions” column and “View transactions” column.

By clicking the “Payment” line, you can observe last changes in the status of payment:
•Initiated – this is a new payment, awaiting to be processed and approved;
•Authorized - this payment has been approved by approver party;
•Accepted – this payment has been approved by Internet Banking and admitted for subsequent implementation;
•Work In Progress- approved payment is under process of execution;
•Rejected by authorized person – an authorized person refused payment;
•Rejected – for some reason, this payment has been declined by bank ( to specify decline reason, click link number of payment transaction);
•Semi-authorized – if, for some reason, payment has not been approved by all assigned approvers, it automatically attains Partially approved status;
•Completed – this payment has been entirely approved and executed by Internet Banking System.
By going to “View transactions”, you can observe all transactions of your company and transactions status, (including uncreated payments).

Where can I sign payment transactions, if I have right of signature

Once the payment transaction is executed, persons entitled with the right of signature can observe transaction status by going to “Home” ->”Pending for Authorization” window and also in the “Transactions to Authorize” section of “Transaction Activities” menu.

Transactions pending final confirmation in the “Transactions to Authorize” section, can be signed one at a time, or up to 100 transactions at a time. Whereas, using “Pending for Authorization” window, only one transaction can be signed at a time.

Can I delete incorrectly created payment?

If requested, after creation of a payment, you can delete it. However, this payment will not be deleted completely from the system of Internet Banking and will be displayed as deleted one. The payment will not be available for approver. (user access only)

I have money on my account, however, I cannot make payment transaction

You can observe your current balance, by going to “Main page” and clicking “Account information” section.

By clicking account number highlighted in green, you will obtain more detailed information on your current balance. Your Current balance and Available balance can mismatch. Possibly, payment was added to your account, however, amount received is not available, till payment obtains confirmation.
In this case, your current account recognizes recent acquisitions while your settlement account has not obtain them yet to make further use.

How does the signing of payments work

In order to sign the payment, you should abide following rules:
- Even if the User has a right of signature, he cannot confirm the payment unilaterally, if other approvers exist;
- If user acts as an approving party and confirms company’s payments, he should possess equal rights everywhere. For instance: if the user was first signatory of 11111 payment, he cannot be second signatory of 22222 payment.

If this rule is violated and client is on the list of payment creators and payment approvers, payment obtains the status of “Semi-authorized”. In this case, it is required to contact Call – center: explain the situation and indicate allocation of rights that is most suitable for you. Call – center will respond to your request within one business day.

In order to ensure that signature confirmation process is implemented efficiently, It is strongly recommended to execute a small payment before moving to large ones. Only in case if small payment was executed successfully, you can start making large payments.

If payment obtains “Semi-authorized”. status and all company’s employees who hold a right of signature have already signed Payment transaction, even with the alternation of signatory right, it will be impossible to sign the payment. After reallocation of rights in the system, new rights will be applied to new payment transactions only.

New payment was created, but my supervisor/ director cannot certify it

If your supervisor certifies private payment transactions via “Transactions to Authorize” window, you can see new transaction in the “Pending for Authorization” list, by clicking “Refresh” button (). If requested transaction is not displayed in “Transactions to Authorize” section of “Transactions activities” menu, go to “Initiated Transactions” section and check transaction status. Possibly, new payment transaction was deleted.

If you do not see any transactions in the “Transactions to Authorize” section of “Transactions activities” menu, you should contact Customer Service Centre. Possibly, you need to configure parameters for confirmation of payment transactions.

How can I delete semi-authorized payments

Payments of such kind cannot be deleted. After the expiry of the 30 days limit, these payments will be automatically removed from the system and marked as “overdue payments”. In a short time, “Delete payment” function will be available to users.

Can an Authorized signatory change or modify payment transaction, created by another user

Only user can change or modify created payment transaction. An Authorized signatory can Cancel transaction, sign transaction or send transaction for modification.
Under no circumstances, can a signatory make changes in the payment transaction. The signatory can only add notes to the “Notes” field and send transaction back to User creator of the transaction. Once payment transaction is amended, it can be send for repeat confirmation.

What kind of payments can I conduct via “Bulk Payment”?

You can conduct following types of payments by means of “Bulk Payment”: payments between two accounts, bank and domestic payments, tax and budget payments, including international payments. This function allows User to store all types of payments in one “Bulk Payment” file and conduct transactions with one certifying signature.

What kind of salary types exist?

Salary types:
Salary - EH
Final settlement of salary due to dismissal Termination Benefits – SHH
Cost of Maternity Leave - AMH
Advance Payment – AV
Bonus Payment – BN
Remuneration Award Payment – MKF
Payment of Premia – TQD
Maternal Care Payment – MY
Other – DG
Accommodation Payment – YSH
Compensation for Damage Caused to one’s Health – XH
Holidays Payment – BP
Vacation Pay – EZM
Compensation – KMP

For additional information please contact PASHA Bank Business Centers, Contact Center at (994 12) 496 50 00 /*9123 or email address.