The principle of customer satisfaction, which guides PASHA Bank in its work, is the basis of long-term and productive cooperation. This is why it is very important for us to know your opinion about the quality of our services.
You can share your opinion with us by sending an email to or by calling the phone number *8123/+99412 496 50 04 (for corporate clients), *9123/+99412 496 50 00 (for retail clients).
Brief summary of internal rules on receiving and reviewing the complaints and suggestions
Internal rules on receiving and reviewing the complaints and suggestions in “PASHA Bank” OJSC
Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Address: 90, R. Behbudov Str.,
Baku, The Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ1014
Tel.: (+994 12) 493 11 22
Fax: (+994 12) 493 55 41