PASHA Bank offers retail and service entities integration of POS Terminal with cash register for more efficient cash and cashless payments.
Integration of POS Terminal with cash register enables entering cashless payment details only in cash register, which will then automatically be displayed in POS Terminal. As a result, there is no need to enter same data in POS Terminal also. Moreover, at the end of the work hours, during "daily closing" process, the data from cash register will be automatically forwarded to POS Terminal.
Advantages of integration of POS Terminal with cash register:
- Reduction of workload and time spent by cashier for accepting payments;
- Faster payment and decreased lines at the register;
- Increased volume of sales as a result of cashless payments by card users;
- Decrease of workload related to cash acceptance and collection;
- Reduced risk of cash storage at the register;
- Mitigation of risks related to storage and transportation of cash, etc.
More detailed information about POS Terminal (acquiring) services rendered by PASHA Bank to retail and service entities for acceptance of cashless payments can be found here.