
Press releases

Suggestions and Complaints

The main principle of the work of PASHA Bank is customer satisfaction, because this, what believe is the foundation of long-term and beneficial cooperation. Therefore, it is essential for us to be on the same wave with the customers and aware of their views on the quality of the products and services we offer. You can share with us your opinion by sending us an email to

PASHA Bank team constantly works on bringing the quality of the offered services and products in line with the highest international standards and we are proud to tell that we have succeeded in this a great deal. However, as any new and rapidly developing institution we do face our challenges. Our future as a successful institution depends on how we meet and overcome those challenges. This is where we need the help of our customers. We would highly appreciate if you share with our Quality Control Group your concerns and suggestions on the quality of the services that PASHA Bank offers. If you have any comments on the quality of services/products you are offered at PASHA Bank please kindly fill in the attached form and send it to the address: .

Please be noted that the first part of the form refers to your complaints and suggestions regarding the quality of the service you are offered by bank staff, second part refers to the quality of the products, whereas the third part refers to the comfort of the environment you are being serviced at. If, however, your complaint and/or suggestion refers to other aspects of our work you are welcome to fill in the "OTHER" field of the form. Your comments will be responded within three working days. Please don't forget to indicate your name and contact details, otherwise we will not be able to get back to you with a feedback.

Form of suggestions and complaints,286/lang,en/