Starting from 01 March 2021 in most cases, you no longer need to come to the Bank to join bank services or order products. Use banking services from anywhere, anytime in a few steps:
1) Download the application required to order the relevant service / product;
2) Fill in the application and sign it with ASAN Imza in accordance with the instructions;
3) Depending on the segment you belong to, send the application to one of the following e-mails: (Small and Medium Enterprises) (Corporate and Institutional Banking)
Each document signed with ASAN Imza must be sent to the Bank only by the authorized person via e-mail address submitted to the Bank previously.
Any other letters previously submitted to the Bank on paper can also be sent to these addresses by signing them with ASAN Imza.
Consolidated application
(current account, card account and other services)
Self-assessment questionnaire to determine tax residency
DownloadW8-BEN E
DownloadClosing the bank account
DownloadReceipt of the chequebook
DownloadProvision of payment card services
DownloadPlacement of deposits
DownloadRent of deposit boxes
DownloadTariff packages on cash and settlement services
DownloadProvision of Internet Banking services
DownloadAmendment to the application for Internet Banking services
(for ordering salary cards)
Installation of virtual terminals
DownloadProvision of additional services on POS terminal
(Refund Manual Entry Form)
Mass order of POS terminals
(only for connected to 1 account)
Opening a temporary account
DownloadCalculation of interest on the account balance
DownloadExecution of periodic payment orders
DownloadConsolidated application - individual entrepreneurs
(current account, card account and other services)
Consolidated application - legal entities related to SME segment
(current account, card account and other services)
Self-assessment questionnaire to determine tax residency - individual entrepreneurs
DownloadW-8BEN - individual entrepreneurs
DownloadSettlement of disputes on card transactions
DownloadClosing the bank account
DownloadReceipt of the chequebook
DownloadProvision of payment card services
DownloadPlacement of deposits
DownloadRent of deposit boxes
DownloadTariff packages on cash and settlement services
DownloadProvision of Internet Banking services
DownloadAmendment to the application for Internet Banking services
(for ordering salary cards)
Installation of virtual terminals
DownloadProvision of additional services on POS terminal
(Refund Manual Entry Form)
Mass order of POS terminals
(only for connected to 1 account)
Opening a temporary account
DownloadCalculation of interest on the account balance
DownloadExecution of periodic payment orders