
Bank Cards

Payroll (salary) cards

PIN set option

You may set a PIN code via PASHA Bank and Kapital Bank ATM's. To set a PIN code please follow the steps below:

• Insert the card into the ATM;
• Choose “PIN Set” option from the pop-up menu;
• Enter any 4-digit code on the pop-up screen and confirm with the green button;
• Repeat the code on the next screen, and then confirm the PIN by clicking on the green button.
Your PIN code is set.


1. For security reasons, the PIN code should not be too simple:
- It is not recommended to enter 3 or 4 digits in a row with a series of increasing or decreasing sequences, such as Х123 or 765Х
- It is not recommended to enter 3 or 4 digits, for example Х888, 777Х
2. After the PIN has been assigned, the card will be activated automatically.

Mobıle Applıcatıon

You can use the following services using the mobile application:
• Courier delivery of extracts and references;
• Mortgage payment;
• Creation of payment templates;
• Transfer by mobile number;
• Assigning a PIN code to new cards;
• Replacement of lost or damaged cards;
• Cash loan request;
• Delivery of cash loan documents by courier without coming to the bank;
• Signing of cash loan documents with a new digital signature "SIMA" without coming to the bank;
• List of cards, card balance information;
• Changing the PIN code;
• Resetting PIN code attempts and setting a new PIN code;
• Information on recent transactions;
• Information on Mile balance;
• Transfers from card to card;
• Information on cashback;
• Mobile, utility, cable TV, internet, phone and bank payments;
• Adjustments on "AniPay" payment system;
• Updates on offers and campaigns;
• Card cash in;
• Information about accounts.

"3D Secure" service

When conducting card transactions in Azerbaijan or abroad, fraudsters can prepare a fake card and withdraw funds from the account by learning card information through invisible devices, various websites and other ways. "3D Secure" service minimizes the risk of card fraud. When paying via the Internet using a card connected to the service, a one-time password is sent to the mobile phone via SMS, and the transaction is carried out only after entering that password, which minimizes the risks of fraud.
To connect to "3D Secure" service, call *9123/(+99412) 496 50 00.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System

Calling to number *9123 / (+99412) 496 50 00, you will be able to perform the following operations without communication with an operator:
• Information on the balance of accounts;
• Block/unblock of card;
• SMS notification service activation / deactivation / number change;
• Get account statements by e-mail.

Onlıne Queue Servıce

For your convenience and time saving, the Bank provides an opportunity to make an appointment at respective branch in advance. To use this service, it is enough to follow the link or use relevant menu in the Mobile application.

Advantages Of PASHA Lıfe Insurance Product

Transferring a certain part of your gross income in favor of insurance company, you not only insure your life, but also get interest on the transferred amount, according to the terms of product. Moreover, you can use the credit line according the amount of accumulated funds in PASHA Life Insurance.

Distance Banking Services

You can use below listed services without visiting branches.

Replenishment of card and current accounts:
Through the network of terminals MilliÖn, you can pay the loan, also replenish both the current and card accounts. To perform an operation on the account, you will need the following information: serial and ID number, as well as customer code (CIF). After selecting the account, you can continue the operation;
• Through the 3D payment and Personal cabinet service on the corporate website of the Bank, you can replenish your card and current account not only by PASHA Bank cards, but also by cards of other local banks;
ATMs with Cash-in service allows you to place necessary amount to card accounts. Also, all PASHA Bank ATMs allow you to transfer money from one card to another through the Card-to-Card service, change PIN code of the card through the PIN Change service, and activate the SMS notification service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make a loan order?
How to join "SMS notification" service?
How to top up card/current accounts?
How can I pay the loan debt?
How to block a lost card?
How to learn customer code (CIF)?
How can I contact the Contact Centre?,380/lang,en/